Monday, September 3, 2012

Pigeon Forge is on Fire

Left for Pigeon Forge on Saturday morning around 6a. I had gotten about 4 hours of sleep because I didn't get in until late in the morning (see Social Mix All Mixed Up). Slept off and on during the ride. My nephew did so great during the drive, which was supposed to only be 6.5 hours, but ended up being more like 10 hours. We stopped at a Chic Fil A on the way and I ended up getting into the sky tubes with my nephew. I think I have a few new bruises due to these sky tubes... We stopped later on at Cracker Barrel for dinner, where my nephew promptly threw a nice little fit. Not the best dining decision in retrospect. When we got to pigeon forge, we got stuck in the craziest traffic, and it took us about 2.5 hours to go less than 4 miles. My parents were raging up the road, to which I was snickering a little bit (sorry parents!). Finally got to the cabin and it was on FIRE! Well, one of the posts on the porch was on fire, likely caused by my grandmother's cigarette. She was a little loosy goosy that day in the head. Exciting moments in TN. Got settled in and did a little catch-up with my grandparents and let Jacob run wild. For having only driven all day, we all went to bed rather early.

The next morning, we took our time getting up. Well, I did, until I heard my grandmother screaming down the stairs for me to get my butt up. Everyone got "ready" and we went out for a little shopping. We did not make it back to the main strip because no one wanted to deal with all the holiday weekend traffic. I was a little thankful, as I didn't want to go into fifty different Christmas ornament shops and had been dreading it. We went to one antique store and then found a playground for my nephew to run around on. Decided to hit one more store and I found a cute shirt for my nephew (Below. It really says Smoky Mountains so I fixed it in the picture) and a cute necklace for me (represents the chakras)!

Everybody took naps when we got back. I woke up and went out on the back porch, where me and my mom did our nails. Finally everyone woke up and joined us and the wind started getting crazy. Jacob kept trying to throw a leaf off the balcony, but the wind kept blowing it back in. We laughed and laughed about that for a good half hour. It eventually started raining like crazy and we all went inside for some dinner. Then we had a photo shoot. My nephew got a bath and was off to bed. We all followed him not long after.

Got up in the morning and headed back home. Stopped off at a McDonalds and a Chic Fil A on the way, where I was again forced to brave the sky tubes. At the Chic Fil A, I only had to go in once as my nephew learned how to do it ALL BY HIMSELF! Such a big boy! Very relaxing weekend with the family, but come Monday, I was ready to get back to my own home. Got home to a bit of a mess and started to stress out, but it ended up not being as bad as I thought it was. The brush is still there, but Wendy agreed to pay to have it cleared. We went out and bought the paint and stain and I put on the first layer of primer.

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