Thursday, September 27, 2012

Demolition Jenny Strikes Again

So... looks like I've found the next project for myself: the back room. Let's just start by explaining how disgusting the back room really is. The dogs have basically lived in that back room for at least two years; probably longer. It smells like dog; every kind of dog smell you can think of (wet dog, dry dog, dog pee, dog poop, dog food, dog gross). Last summer we took off the carpet because the dogs had peed on it so badly that it was smelling up the whole house. They just continued to utilize the vinyl underneath and now, apparently, the subfloor in the hallway. This is what I started with:

So.. needless to say, I want to get this room done before my slumber party in November for sure! I had repainted the wicker furniture (a previous post) with the intent of making this area a sitting/sun room. I think I have my work cut out for me. I was very surprised by the ease of removing the vinyl flooring. You can't tell it hear, but it's super uneven and coming up in places, as well as scratched, torn, dirty, etc. Whoever laid it down, laid it on top of a plywood underlayment (thank you!) and I simply removed it all in one piece. I think usually underlayments are supposed to be glued and stapled many times, but this one wasn't. There were sporadic nails holding it in place. I'm not sure how it's supposed to be done, but the way they did it made it easy for me to remove. Here's what it looked like about halfway through:

Two beers and about an hour and a half later, it was complete. This time included securing all the nails, removing bent ones, and a generally sweeping and cleaning of the area as I went along. Now, the floor looks like this:

So, now what? There are a few problems with the floor. In the far left corner the wood is kinda rotting. I think if I put some plastic wood on that it'll be okay. At least that's what I'm hoping. Also, there is a small piece of subfloor missing by the entry way. I don't think that will be a big deal either. Now I just need to research how to make the dang thing even and smooth and prepare it for the next flooring. I suppose I could use another underlayment for the new flooring, but we're thinking cheap here people! This isn't my house... So, my thoughts are to prepare the subfloor and make it nice(r) and then do the brown paper flooring that I've been researching. Looks like I have a few more things to research before I take action. I have high hopes for this room though. It's been the easiest demo so far.

I'll keep you posted.

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