Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sitting Room Update

Spent all night getting the sitting room ready for paper laying. Put a LOT of plastic wood down and also some KILZ where the dogs had been doin there business... Also used some ducttape! After getting high off plastic wood, I got ready to really get down to business. To keep myself from going insane I moved the TV into the kitchen so I would have some background going on. I spent about four or five hours on the floor and got about 1/3 of it done. Not too bad considering that includes the prep time. I think it looks pretty good and am hoping to get the rest of it finished soon. The one thing I did notice, which you will see in the pictures, is the difference in coloring between the first and second batch of glue. I used the same recipe so I'm not quite sure what happened there. Maybe I didn't leave the paper to soak long enough?...

Floor ducttaped, kilzed and plastic wooded. 

First batch of glue and a rinse bucket for my hands (totally came in handy during breaks).
First layer of paper. Looks purple with the dye.
First and second batches laid. Almost done for the night.

My arm looks diseased from all the glue and the dye. I went into the liquor store about half-way through the project and people definitely kept their distance! Might be good to use in the future for some sort of Halloween project. It just scrubbed right off too, leaving no dye behind. Sweet!

When the paper had dried, this is what it looked like:

A close-up:

I think it looks pretty cool and will definitely look even better after a few coats of polyurethane. I may need to redo a little bit of the lighter section, but I'm going to wait and see how the rest of the paper turns out. Now just to get it done!

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