Saturday, September 29, 2012

Roman Rocks

Roman and Cammie and the kids came over to help out around the house, as well as have a little fun. Roman totally rocked! He got in and got some serious shit done. He put up the vent that I was having a hard time securing. Got my mirror frame attached. AND he got all the baseboards, wall corners, and door frames put up. So happy I have great friends who love me enough to help make my home and life a little better! I love them too!

The kids were awesome all day and really only did a minimal amount of complaining. I was expecting a lot more "I'm bored" and "I wanna go home", but I think they had a lot of fun! They watched some movies, played some games, climbed the trees and the fences, talked smack to the neighbor kids, etc. :) After everything was done, the living room was clear except for the radio and we had an awesome dance party on the slick wood floors. Everybody danced; even Roman. I think I may have seen him twirl once or twice too.

Great weather and great day to spend with friends!!!

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