Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Valuable Lesson: How Not to Burn Your Butt

Woke up early in the morning and started working on my one million projects around the house. The first project I worked on was paint stripping. I had a few pieces of trip that need to be stripped so that I could stain them later.

Got my "station" all set up and ready to go. Here's the valuable lesson: DO NOT SIT WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN STRIPPING PAINT. YOU WILL BURN YOUR BUTT. I did exactly that. I had to run into the house and strip down because my butt was seriously on fire. I had sat in some of the stripping solution. I ended up with a chemical burn. on. my. ass. LOL. It's ok though. Washed it off and was totally good a couple hours later. Stripping paint is hard work. But, at least my face mask from Japan came in handy:

After doing a little paint stripping, I headed over to Jim's to get his sawzall. (I still need to take down the dang playhouse frame). I got over there and it was a tool-borrowing convention. Apparently, Jim is the man to go to. Mark was also there borrowing tools. Thanks Jim!

Got the sawzall and went to the Home Depot to pick up a few more things. Had a fun little flirt with the Home Depot man; he especially liked it when I told him I needed a demolition blade. :) Oooh boys! So predictable.

Got my things and headed home to finish stripping paint, staining trim, power washing the decks, pulling down the playhouse, etc. I got tired of stripping paint and decided to just get some new trim to replace the old as it would be soooo much easier! So, I decided to start power washing. I got about five deck boards in and the washer quit working. Apparently, I had left the choke on and flooded the engine. It was pretty much dead for the day. So then I thought I'd start on the playhouse, but the battery was dead and Mark had the charger. I didn't want to head out again and was planning to get the charger from him the next day anyway. So, I stained all the trim I had instead and tried to figure out what to do with the bathroom (more on that later). Once the trim had dried, I put it all up. I started staining the window frames after that. I think it looks pretty good.

Went to bed pretty earlier because I was worn out! Got a lot accomplished today though and hoping to do even more tomorrow!

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