Friday, August 31, 2012

Social Mix All Mixed Up

Got out of work a little early on Friday afternoon and went shopping because I was supposed to go to a mixer with Stacy and Leslie. Got a new ouftit. Spent more than I should have... sigh. Stacy was running late so I met up with Philip for some after work drinks. :)

We are sweet.
Don't mess with us.
After drinks with Philip, I contacted Leslie and went over to the mixer at NorthSide Social. Stacy ended up not being able to make it, but I met up with Leslie and her friend Kathy (which I found out later that I had met before through Monty). There were two other girls at the mixer, Holly and Banita, who we ended up hanging out with for the rest of the night. There were only two boys at this mixer, James and Charles. James was the one who started the meetup. Charles works with both Holly and Banita. They were pretty fun as well. James is eccentric to say the least, but fun. I didn't really talk to Charles, but all the girls were sweatin' him, and he had really nice teeth. 

The five girls ended up going to Flat Water and then to the Red Room. It was an interesting evening and lasted way longer than expected! I ended up getting to Martinsville at about 2:30a.

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