Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hey Girl... You're Way Too Old For This

Friday was an adventure... maybe a misadventure. Started out by meeting Erin for dinner at MacNivens downtown. Had some stew and a beer. Talked about our lives. The typical start to a girl's night. From there, things went slightly awry. We stopped by the Chatterbox, where Irish Spring didn't even come close to recognizing me. I wasn't with Stacy though, so I guess he's somewhat off the hook (douche). Then, we decided to go and visit Leslie at the beer tent she was working; IndyFringe Festival was going on and it was crazy on Mass Ave. We both went to the ATM and got some cash (not the best idea - for when there's cash....). Hung out there for a while, where we met a really nice guy that I was nerding it up with. When I say nerding it up, I mean we had a discussion on the difference between alliteration and assonance. I should have got his number.... Dang retrospect!

Stacy met up with us at the beer tent and we went back to her place for a quick potty break and another beer. We went back to the festival and picked up Leslie and Jada. Erin made the right decision and went home early (she had to work the next day). Stacy, Leslie, Jada and I continued the night and the misadventure. Our misadventure was pretty fun until it went way too far into the next day! We decided to head back to the Chatterbox for some drinks and hung out there for a while.

From there, Stacy wanted to go to Tini's (a gay vodka bar basically), which is not my favorite place. It's ok, but you end up standing in a line along the wall, and I don't like that. After that, there was a small photo shoot with Leslie and Jada on my motorcycle. Hot Mamas! Here's proof:

After Tini's, it really went downhill. We caught a cab, payed too much, and ended up at Dorman's. We took a lot of group photos and were cracking up. They are definitely Jenny approved!

We stayed way past 3 AM. Eventually, Jada snuck away and caught a cab home (smart girl). We stayed forever and Irish Spring and his friends joined us. I got lippy after I got tipsy. It was great fun. (sarcasm) I pretty much gave Irish Spring a hard time all night long. Poor guy didn't see it coming. I feel like he was a good sport though. I was done with Dorman's by the time we left.


Leslie got a cab and got the hell outta there. I thought we were heading back to Stacy's apartment, but that is not how this misadventure went. We ended up going back to Irish Spring's! OMG. We were in his apartment with a bunch of other people, who were just kind of sitting around. All the girls were about a decade younger than us. It was really weird. By 5am, I was like: IT'S TIME TO GO! Then, Irish Spring got all huffy cause we didn't call a cab. I tried to tell him I would call/accept a cab if he could explain where we were. He didn't call. It got ridiculous. We gotta outta there. It was about a ten minute walk home. Not too bad. We passed out! I don't think (actually I know) that I've stayed up that late since probably college.

<---- This picture was taken at some point between 3am and 5am. ???

Woke up Saturday around 10am and went to get some grub. Two little birds had the same idea!

Went home, took a shower, got on the bike and rode down to Martinsville, where I spent the rest of the day with my family. Had a cookout, played with my nephew, hung out. I'm surprised I lasted the whole day... I think I got a boost of energy because my nephew finally said "Aunt Jen-ny". YAY!!!

Overall, a pretty good weekend, but tiring. Oh so tiring...

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