Friday, June 1, 2012

Yoga Pants

Long-term Goal: Write blog every day. P90X. Nutrition. Fit. Live better.
Longer short-term Goal: Must lose 10 lb. before Japan vacation.
Short-term Goal: Make it to hot yoga this afternoon. Finish Kyoto portion of book.

The cat did good this morning. I woke up with the alarm clock and he was patiently laying by the side of the bed waiting for me to wake up. Thanks Zoe for being a good boy. The dogs, on the other hand, took a crap in the dining room. That's fun to wake up to. Got to Kohl's by 8 as planned, but they did not have my shirt so I went to Target instead. Got my new yoga clothes and towel for my sweaty mat. Yeah. No reason not to make it to hot yoga today.

Coffee and creamer. Cinnamon crumb muffin. Small amount of pasta salad. Super hungry this morning for whatever reason. Grapes.

Having a hard time getting down to business this morning. Just don't feel like working. I missed my doctor's appointment too. I even had two alerts for it set on my phone. That's pretty bad! Oh well. I called and rescheduled. Didn't really want to go today anyway. It's so rainy and gross outside. Makes me feel like staying in.

Getting things set for our trip to climb Mt. Mitchell in less than 2 weeks. Looking forward to another little hiking trip. I'm going to have to buy new shoes though. Went hiking over Memorial Day weekend and my old Timberland's totally messed up both of my heels. Major ouchy. This is some serious elevation in comparison so I am not going to mess around with my shoes and blisters this time! No sir! Trying to get Yo to drive over from Raleigh and meet us. Should be a fun weekend trip. I am seriously going to lose this weight. I am disgusting to myself. Ick.

Kyoto portion done. Now for lunch and then I should probably work on my actual job since I have been avoiding it all morning.

Only a few bites of leftover chicken cause it was not good. Southwest salad. Banana.

I'm going to get a snack. I'm starving. Got most of my work done. Saving two forms for Monday because they are irritating forms and I don't have the patience for them today. I can't wait to get out of here. For a four-day week, it has been super long.

Butterfinger AND Doritos. No bueno. I definitely did not bring enough healthy options in my lunch today. The chicken was real gross and I only had half a salad which amounted to me being hungry in the afternoon. :( So sad, but I enjoyed my snacks. I won't lie. I haven't had a butterfinger in a really long time. It was good.

Went and did an hour of hot yoga. So proud of myself for going because I was having the internal battle. The side that wants to be a hot mama won! Go hot mama side!

Jakers is coming over! Jakers is coming over! Haven't seen him in ages.

Went to The Friendly. Had a cobb salad and 4 fried mushrooms. Plus 2 Osiris. Fred, Danielle, Warren and Amanda came over to the house with many a bottle of wine. We drank a lot. We laughed a lot.

At some point in the evening I woke up and broke the full length mirror in my bedroom. I was on some sort of drunken mission. Wish I knew what I'd been thinking. Guess I don't need to pack up that mirror. Hahaha.

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