Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wine Fest

Wine fest today so I haven't written. Will update this tomorrow with all the news!

Long-term Goal: Write blog every day. P90X. Nutrition. Fit. Live better.
Longer short-term Goal: Must lose 10 lb. before Japan vacation.
Short-term Goal: Do not break a mirror.

Woke up this morning to the broken mirror. Oh Lord. That's embarrassing. Good thing I'm used to embarrassment. Haha. Got up with a bit of a hangover as well. 

Coffee and creamer. Half a bagel and cream cheese.

Stopped by a gas station on the way to the wine fest and got to see a little drama. A guy from that neighborhood was in there yelling and screaming about how the cops were sitting outside the gas station running plates. I'm guessing they caught him on something and that's why he was mad. He was yelling that white people in white neighborhoods don't let the cops sit outside gas stations and such and such. It was pretty entertaining.

Got to the wine fest and stood up for about 12 hours straight. Had a Jamaican patty and a fun-size bag of peanut m&ms in there somewhere. And probably 2 or 3 glasses of wine. I was super sore by the end of the day. It was fun though. Lots of screaming and serving drunks. Loved it!

After the fest, the owners of the winery took us all out to dinner. I had a salad and a few french fries. Plus an Osiris. Apparently I can't get enough. We all came back to the house and sat around the fire for a while and drank some more wine because we soooo needed it. Hahaha. Last year it was taint and apparently this year it is cunch. I'm just going to leave that up to interpretation because it would take so long to explain it and you probably wouldn't see the humor. One quote though: "Make your way to middle cunch for the battle of balls deep." Hahaha.

Amanda and Warren kept me up for a bit playing 'air table tennis'. Yes, that is just like 'air guitar'. Too funny. And at one point I woke up with Warren and a puppet over my head. Dorks. Love my new friends!

Did not break a mirror. Short-term goal accomplished. LOL.

Me, Amanda and Danielle in the back seat on the way to the wine fest.

Warren, Amanda, and I showing off our fabulous selves in our awesome t-shirts.

Who gave us poles after we'd been drinking most of the day?...

Me and Amanda getting silly at the restaurant.

Photo opportunity in the bathroom of the IU Health Hotel/Plaza downtown.

Warren and Fred being themselves.

I'm very scared of Amanda here. I think it was only fitting.  Hahaha.

Danielle and Fred. My awesome friends!!!

Reserved. (yeah right!)


Danielle.... Good Lord. Love her!

Danielle in my motorcycle jacket. She's on fire!

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