Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Reviews and Wei

Long-term Goal: Write blog every day. P90X. Nutrition. Fit. Live better. Be happy.
Longer short-term Goal: Must lose 10 lb. before Japan vacation.
Short-term Goal: Hot yoga. Clean up my room tonight. Throw away the mirror.

I did not want to wake up this morning, but after I did I felt really good and energized. Finished cleaning up the dishes this morning and put the laundry away. Coffee and creamer and cinnamon Life for breakfast. I find that I am drinking less and less coffee in the mornings. I get to work and then forget about it.

Did my review with Dave this morning. I feel like I've done a lot of reviews lately. Found out that my bonus is yearly. That's pretty cool. Definitely not going to complain about that! :) Did a few forms this morning and talked to Yo about the trip to Japan. We are both super excited! I need to do a trial run on packing this weekend and make sure that I can fit everything in my carry-on. It'd be really nice if I didn't have to check a bag on the way there. I might have to though. I need to make a list of all the clothes and things that I need to take. I like to plan ahead! 

I also did not take my things to storage or cancel my gym membership yesterday. I need to do that today. I might take a little 'lunch break' and do those things as well as take my car into the wash. It is dirty from the trip last weekend. Stacy and I are supposed to go to hot yoga this evening and I've brought the tennis racquets so we can play afterwards. Looking forward to it, though I don't think it could possibly be as hilarious as that first night! 

Here's my list of things to do:
Clean room.
Dispose of broken mirror.
Storage unit drop-off.
Cancel gym membership.

That's not too bad. I feel like I have more / should have more to do than that!

Lunch time: ham sandwich with pepper jack cheese, red pepper and carrots with dip, and blackberries and grapes.

Just started watching Rooftop House Prince. Good Lord. Not another one! Korean dramas are killin' me!

Did an hour of hot yoga and then met up with Stacy to go running. Which we did not do. Per the usual, we ended up drinking instead of working out. And with that, she chose to be my 'sugar mama' for the night and I had countless cocktails. Had some goat cheese mac&cheese at some point in the evening, but I pretty much drank my dinner. Ended up seeing/meeting this cute Taiwanese guy, Wei, and slipped him my number on my business card like a complete yeast bag. Dang it. Of course, he won't call. That sucks. He was cute too.

Ended up getting home around 1:30 and passing out, leaving a large mess in my wake.

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