Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I Did Something

Long-term Goal: Write blog every day. P90X. Nutrition. Fit. Live better. Be happy.
Longer short-term Goal: Must lose 10 lb. before Japan vacation.
Short-term Goal: Hot yoga. Clean up my room tonight. Throw away the mirror.

Got up almost on time this morning... Did my usual morning routine and then I cleaned then I cleaned the kitchen up a bit and did the dishes. They really needed to be done. I swept up last night but I've got quite a bit of cleaning to do this evening. My room especially needs to be cleaned up. I think I'll feel a lot better once I've gotten that broken mirror down off my wall.

Coffee and creamer and honey nut cheerios for breakfast.

Got into work at 8am and had a little bit left to do. I've been trying to get all this 'security training' finished this morning. It is boring as all get out! And it keeps messing up on me. Ugh. I just love compliance. Completely finished my Japan book this morning. I am so ready to go. All the hotels are book and checked. Directions written. Activities planned. We are set.

Finally finished all my required RICOH training. I feel compliant. Also, applied for one teaching job this afternoon and took a new resume picture. Hopefully, I will actually hear something back this time. Sitting down to eat my lunch and watch the last episode of Spy Myung Wol. Ham sandwich, grapes, blackberries and the salt and pepper mini rice cakes. Might try to apply for one or two more jobs this afternoon. Need to clean out my car, cancel my gym membership, and put a few things in storage. I might wait to put the things in storage tomorrow so that I can clean out the tent and wash my sleeping bag. I'm pretty sure I will use them again soon and it would be nice if they were clean for the next trip.

Went and did my hour of hot yoga after work. Tried my best to remember the routine with a new instructor, but ended up doing my own thing because I didn't remember. Oh well. Next time. Got home and had a caesar salad and some wheat thins for dinner. Later on I snacked on some strawberries and sugar and had a small handful of Life cereal. I also had a beer - Stella. Not too bad. Could have probably done without the snacking later on, but I was real hungry.

Did not completely accomplish my goals. I did not clean up the mirror or my room. I did do a load of laundry and cleaned up the kitchen. I was really tired yesterday after the yoga class and got lazy on the couch... At least I made it to yoga! That's something!

Went to bed by about 9:30pm. I said I was tired! :)

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