Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Catch Up

Long-term Goal: Write blog every day. Nutrition. Fit. Live better. Be happy.
Longer short-term Goal: Must lose 10 lb. before Japan vacation.
Short-term Goal: Hot yoga. Kohl's return. Storage unit.

Ok. So I haven't blogged in a few days. Sorry long-term goal! I was gonna fake it and then I decided not to. It was father's day weekend and I spent most of my time down in Martinsville. Here's the run-down on the days I missed.

Thursday: Went to the lady doctor and got the mustang serviced. That sounds hilarious. They were two separate appointments! LOL. Went to Kohl's in between the two appointments and spent way too much money!!! Ended up not going back into work and went down to Martinsville to hang out with my mom, sister, bro-in-law, and nephew. We all went out to dinner at El Rodeo (yummy) and had a relatively early evening.

Friday: I went to hot yoga and came home. Watched a little tv, but passed out super early. Not a very exciting evening.

Saturday: Cleaned my room finally and got rid of that danged full length mirror that I broke - about time! Did not do hot yoga as I planned and went down to Martinsville early afternoon. Went swimming for a while. Played with the nephew. Hung out with the family. Went to Chili's with sister, bro-in-law, and nephew. Came home, watched tv, slept.

Sunday: Father's day. Grandpa and Grandma came to have dinner with us. Mark and Angie stopped by for a while. I feel like I snacked most of the day. Played a lot with the nephew though. Good day.

Monday: Back to work unfortunately. Had quite a bit to do. Did not go to yoga after work because I was feeling very lethargic. Went home and took a little nap and started to think about what to pack for the Japan trip. Did a little bit of a trial run. The duffel I got at Kohl's was way too big so I'm going to have to return that this evening/afternoon.

Alright, so back to today.

Got up late - around 7:30. I have been super tired the last few days, but I'm blaming it on going down to Mom and Dad's house. It seems to me that I always eat more when I'm down there. I graze. Did my usual routine getting up. Had coffee and creamer, and two berry eggo waffles for breakfast, nothing on them. Weighed myself and it looks like I've lost about 3 lbs. It's about time because I'm leaving for Japan in less than 2 weeks. I need to really push myself these next few days to do a lot of yoga and working out.

Got to work and had quite a bit to do today as well. So far I've been keeping up but Randy just keeps sending me email after email. Really unusual. I think he's pushing everything through because he knows I'm going on vacation soon. Ugh. Eating my lunch here soon and then I think I'm going to run to the storage unit and Kohl's and get those two short-term goals out of the way!

Southwestern salad, green pepper and cream cheese.

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