Thursday, June 7, 2012


Long-term Goal: Write blog every day. P90X. Nutrition. Fit. Live better. Be happy.
Longer short-term Goal: Must lose 10 lb. before Japan vacation.
Short-term Goal: Get some trail runners.

Had a really hard time waking up this morning. So sleepy! Surprisingly not as sore as what I thought I would be though. My glutes and quads hurt and that's about it. A little too much impact on my knees too, but I think they'll be ok.

Coffee and creamer. Bagel and cream cheese.

Mont and I are going to meet up for lunch today so that he can put all his gear in my car. That way will be ready to head out on Friday afternoon for Mt. Mitchell. Yeah for hiking! I still need to get some trail runners. Hopefully will have some time to go get them this afternoon.

I'm supposed to go down to Martinsville tonight for dinner with my sis, bro-in-law and nephew, so I'm debating whether or not I should go to hot yoga. I really want to go, but it will put me down there a little later than what they want. There's just not enough time in a day! I would probably be fine taking a break today since I'll be doing so much hiking on Saturday and Sunday, but I also won't be doing anything on Friday except driving. Oh, it's a tough decision. I guess I'll wait and see how I feel throughout the day.

Just a small update on my long-term goal: I unfortunately have not done anything with the P90X videos. I'm being pretty lame about it. I'm enjoying going to yoga though and that seems to be challenging me quite a bit. I don't think I could do both, at least not at this point. Plus, it's summer and I do want to keep some social time free to hang out with my family and friends. I'm going to keep it as my long-term goal though because I hope to eventually start it and I think it will help me when I get to a plateau point in my current fitness approach. But, I'm not starting it quite yet. On my longer short-term goal: I really think I can lose the 10 lb. before Japan. I have 22 days left to accomplish this goal. I think if I keep up with the yoga every day and running a couple times a week then I will be good to go. The hard part is changing my diet. It's a struggle.

Ha Ha Yoga is funny:

Just got some good news at work! Apparently, I will now be receiving incentive bonuses. Thanks RICOH! I am actually amazed. I guess they've been trying to decide whether my job position should receive these bonuses or not and it was just decided in the last month that, due to the coding, my job WILL be getting bonuses. Based on a number of things I could receive up to 8% of my salary. The bonus I got pretty much covers my ticket to Japan. So stoked. Here I've been trying to pinch my pennies. This couldn't have come at a better time! YAY! Although, it is definitely making my decision to move to Japan/Korea for a teaching position a lot harder. I've gotten two raises within the last 12 months and now a bonus?!?! Can't say how awesome it is. :) I'm thinking I might stick with this job for another year before moving overseas so I can get some more bills paid off and have less to worry about when I leave... Decisions!

Went out to lunch with Monty. Had a salad,  2.5 breadsticks with cheese, and a diet coke. Not too bad! I feel good about it. We went right afterwards to the shoe store and found some really good Nike trail runners on sale. So I bought 'em! Ready for the hike this weekend! Not going to do the yoga today. It's decided. I'm still a little sore and I want some fresh legs for Saturday's hike. Plus, I want to get down to Martinsville in time to hang out with my awesome nephew! :)

Got to Martinsville and had so much fun with my buddy! He is super awesome. We all had dinner: Chicken, peppers, onion, and mushrooms shish-ka-bobs (sp?) and corn on the cob. Yummy summer dinner. Then hung out a little more and cracked up watching my little nephew go. He is all over the place! Awesomeness.

Drove home and then went to the grocery to get supplies for the weekend. Got my laundry done and everything packed and ready to go. Had to clean up the house a little bit too. Crazy busy evening. I was certainly ready to go to bed by the end of the night!

Sad I didn't get any new pictures of my nephew but we were just way too busy playing! Next time.

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