Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Benson and Running

Long-term Goal: Write blog every day. P90X. Nutrition. Fit. Live better. Be happy.
Longer short-term Goal: Must lose 10 lb. before Japan vacation.
Short-term Goal: Go to Hot Yoga today. Run with Bryan/by myself.

Last night I woke up a lot with cramps and this morning I woke up early with a lot of pain. I won't go into details, but it was not fun! I was able to fall back asleep and slept until almost 7:30am. I got up immediately and took a shower before doing the rest of my routine. Coffee and creamer. Honey nut cheerios and a banana.

Got to work around 9am and there was no work on my desk. Been watching Spy Myung Wol for the last several hours. It's pretty good! :) Also looking for jobs, although I haven't accomplished much there either. I need to get together a good cover letter I can use for anyone. Actually excited for hot yoga today and running with Benson tonight. I'm ready to move my body a little bit. I've been sitting way too long.

Banana, cherries, ham sandwich, carrots and dip. Bag of m&m's for a snack later.

I need to find a job.

Crap. I did have a bag of m&m's. I couldn't remember. I'm blaming all this chocolate on my cycle! On another note. I did do an hour of hot yoga. Then met up with Benson and did 4 miles on the monon. Only ran for about 1 of those miles and walked the rest, but it's a start. I was really sore by the end of it.

We went out for dinner after. I had a salmon spinach salad and 3 beers of course. That's okay though. I probably would have had those three beers regardless so at least I had them after working out for about 2 hours. That's something.

We hung out until about 10:30 and I was home and in bed by 11:00. Great night! Benson and I plan to meet up once a week to get our fitness on. I definitely slowed him down but he didn't seem to mind too much. :)

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