Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Long-term Goal: Write blog every day. P90X. Nutrition. Fit. Live better.
Short-term Goal: No alcohol tonight.

OMG. What is wrong with these animals all of a sudden? Dang cat woke me up at 6am again. I seriously think he just gets bored and likes messing with me. Little brat.

I definitely feel like I worked out yesterday, but I'm not sore or anything. That's nice.

At work by 8am. Wow. That hasn't happened in a while. :)

Coffee and creamer. Cinnamon muffin. 

I have so many bug bites on my legs. It is driving me crazy! Itchy. Itchy.

Came in today and no work in the email in-box. Looks like I can go over the P90X menu and work up some plans this morning. Did not get to the first video yesterday, but I did work out for about two hours. I might have died had I tried P90X after all that. Also, have to finish Japan book today. It is almost done, but may have to extend our hotel stays for the first part of our trip. Must figure out where the Kyoto chopstick museum is, and some sake breweries.

Brought my stuff to run at work today. Must stay motivated. It's supposed to rain tonight, so I need to do it on my lunch break. Might go play some tennis at the park tonight. I must lose some of this weight before Japan!!!

Did a job for Katie at work today so she took me and Dave out for lunch. Yummy sushi.

Edamame and two sushi rolls. Water to drink.

Doing good! Will take my lunch home and have it for dinner. Think I'm going to just stay in tonight. Stacy invited me to Radio Radio but I have a feeling it's going to be an early night for me tonight. Especially since friends are coming in this weekend!


Chips and homemade salsa. Cheese and crackers. Brownie (oops).

Went running/walking for 25 minutes. Stopped due to the rain. Starting to get a little sore now. Will be in bed by 10 I'm sure. Sleeeeepy!! Achieved short-term goal!!! No alcohol tonight!

Talked to Yo about our Japan trip. Super excited! Going to get proper yoga clothing tomorrow. May take a class in the afternoon. I need to lose this weight!

Lots of beer and wine. Drunk and broke my own mirror. Craziness. Wait for tomorrow's post.

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