Friday, November 23, 2012

My Thanksgiving: A Bust

Right before Thanksgiving weekend I came down with the stomach flu. Of course this would happen to me on a weekend that is centered around eating! I ended up missing my Thanksgiving dinner. :( I did lose about 10 lbs though. So that's something.

Bry Bry and I spent the latter part of the week in the living room, each on a couch, watching an endless stream of weird movies. I introduced him to Harold and Maude. I can't believe there are so many people who haven't seen that movie! It's amazing. Not boring really (British accent).

On Friday I went down to Martinsville to visit the family for the day even though I still wasn't feeling a hundred percent. It was fun to play with my nephew and hang out though. I also got some Thanksgiving leftovers to bring home. Thanks mom!!!

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