Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rachael Yamagata Show

Went with Stacy and Leslie to Radio Radio for the Rachael Yamagata show. Ended up with a girl crush. Rachael is super fun and had us laughing at her wit on stage. We thoroughly enjoyed her showed and enjoyed meeting her afterward. We, of course, were clownin' all night. That's just what we do. I met a hot air traffic controller. Too bad he never called. Maybe it was my crimped pigtails?... Hmm...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Xmas Decorating

I decorated for Xmas. Bryan watched.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Not Another Pub

Had plans with a few friends to meet in Fountain Square and do some duckpin bowling. Leslie, Stacy, Tony, Bry Bry and I all met up at Pure for dinner first. I had never been there before, but I will definitely be going back. It was terrific even though I still wasn't eating much (see previous thanksgiving post about stomach flu). The prices were excellent as was the food. Just can't rave about this restaurant enough!

After that we walked over to play duckpin bowling but found that both alleys had private parties all night long. I was super bummed because the whole point was not to hang out in a pub all night. We tried to come up with new ideas. We really did. Alas, we just couldn't. People should not book private parties on Saturdays, especially holiday weekend Saturdays. Not fair! Stomp stomp.

I was so looking forward to it:

We ended up going over to Dorman Street (sans Tony). A pub. LOL. I guess it's our lot in life. We ended up having a lot of fun though. Played a few games of pool and a really long game of darts. Leslie was a little lethal with her darts... Also met up with one of Bry Bry's friends: Doug. He was fun times and fit right in. Three single girls. Two single guys. Fun times for your pub-going Saturday night. Bryan and I would comment later that it was a weird night of weird flirting. Ha. YES!

For going to another pub for the night, I ended up having a great time. So glad I have awesome friends who make life fun wherever and whatever we do!

 < Stacy hiding from Leslie's dart throwing skills.

Friday, November 23, 2012

My Thanksgiving: A Bust

Right before Thanksgiving weekend I came down with the stomach flu. Of course this would happen to me on a weekend that is centered around eating! I ended up missing my Thanksgiving dinner. :( I did lose about 10 lbs though. So that's something.

Bry Bry and I spent the latter part of the week in the living room, each on a couch, watching an endless stream of weird movies. I introduced him to Harold and Maude. I can't believe there are so many people who haven't seen that movie! It's amazing. Not boring really (British accent).

On Friday I went down to Martinsville to visit the family for the day even though I still wasn't feeling a hundred percent. It was fun to play with my nephew and hang out though. I also got some Thanksgiving leftovers to bring home. Thanks mom!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bowling Night. That's Troph.

Bry Bry and I went to Stacy and Leslie's bowling night. We drank while they bowled. Bry Bry ate some pizza. I did not. I wore fun glasses. So did Leslie. Stacy had the super bowling leg flair. Chuck did too. We went to the Irish Mutt. We came up with the word troph kind of by accident. We made songs about it. We said it all night long. We sang acid rain instead of purple rain. We made it back home and passed out. Fun times for your bowling times.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Went down to Martinsville so that my sister and I could go watch Twilight on Sunday. It was pretty good. My only comments are that Jacob should have spent much more of the movie with his shirt off and that the baby looked weird, and not in a good way.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Tonic Ball 2012

I almost missed the Tonic Ball! I had my dates mixed up and was lucky that Erin had an extra ticket. We started out at La Margarita in Fountain Square. I'm not a super fan of their food, but everyone else seems to like them. They do have some really good margaritas! Potent. Ran into Doug and Nate Robison and family. Got to talk to them and catch up for a few. After that, we started our music tour around the Tonic Ball with a few stops to the trunk of my car, where I had jello shots and vodka! Yum. Apparently, Miss Stacy had a lot of those jello shots cause she was certainly feeling them later. Haha. 

By the end of the night (around 11pm or so) everyone started to get drunk and scatter all over the place. It was hard to figure out where everyone was and their were texts flying every which way. It was pretty hilarious to read all of them later. At one point Stacy pulled Leslie into a hug and they both just toppled right on over on the dance floor. I was cracking up. There were three nice looking men standing behind us who were also cracking up. I turned and gave them a coy sigh. That was right before we left. I kept it pretty low key for the rest of the night and made it home safely by 1am. Before that though, Leslie and I had to hunt Stacy down and found that she drove herself home. Not happy on that account, but seeing as no harm was done I guess we'll just have to watch her car keys from now on! All in all good Tonic Ball.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Girls Night is A Success

Girls night! Girls night! Girls night!

Started out the day early getting everything ready for the girls to come over to the house: blowing leaves, setting up xmas lights, preparing shots and food. Girls started showing up around 3pm and the fun ensued. I fixed our family favorite, Johnny Marzetti, for dinner and by the time we got everything ready my refrigerator was full of jello shots. No joke. Fluffed vodka and peach jello is where it is at! That was everyone's favorite, including me. Yum. Yum. Yum.

It ended up being really nice outside so we had a bonfire and didn't do as many girly things as I had planned, but it was an excellent way to spend one of the last nice days before winter. We had a little Prince dance party on the back deck and, unfortunately, came up with the rooster dance. Luckily that video came out a little dark. LOL. 

After our outside time, we came in and watched Sixteen Candles and Valley Girl. Like, I'm so sure. Is this in 3d? No, but your face is. I'm sure. Like totally.

Everyone stayed pretty sober for the night (no drunken zombie walks or anything) and we all felt good in the morning. Kind of shocking really. The girls that were left in the morning all joined me for breakfast and we did each others hair and watched Dirty Dancing. It was great. Leslie, Stacy, Cammie and I then went for a walk down the Zionsville Rail Trail and beyond because it was such a nice day. We all swore we were in Narnia for a while it was so nice. 

By around 5pm, I was back at the house chillin' on the couch for the rest of the night. What an awesome weekend! It's too bad I didn't get any pictures of the girls night though! :(