Monday, July 9, 2012

Japan Day 9: Mt. Fuji, Trains & More Trains

We went. We saw. We paid too much.

Started out the morning kind of rough. It was really hard to get up and get to the station.

Sean Chan
1. Train
After a few transfers, we got to Shin-Yokohama where we took the shinkansen to Shin-fuji. Boy, were we in for a surprise there! Apparently our JR pass ran out the day before and they didn't catch it on our way in. It cost 4300 yen for that train ride.

2. Bus
After we got off the train, we went to the tourist center and found that we had to take a bus. That was another 3000 yen. There were only a few buses to take and so we had only an hour on the mountain or most of the night. We chose the hour.

3. Mt. Fuji
It was a mountain of lava rock. Got some lava rock and headed back out. That was pretty much all we did. We were there less than an hour.

Awesome moth on Mt. Fuji

I look very stoned in this picture. I am not.
4. Bus
Took the bus back. The bus took 2 hours each way. Had lunch at the Aeon mall and got some starbucks too.

5. Trains, Trains, Trains
Decided not to spend 4300 yen and take the local trains back into town. It cost about 2600 yen and took 5-6 hours to get back to Greg and Hisayo's house. Not a whole lot to say for this day. It was my least favorite and I wished I had just made a planned day instead of leaving it open. Got back around 10p. Had a beer, a piece of cake, and promptly went to sleep.

My boy Kim Hyun-Joong
Lion showing off his ridiculously long tail.
Get your wicket here.

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