Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Getting Ready for St. Pat's

I made a dress for St. Patrick's day festivities. I also tried my hand at embroidery. Not too bad, but I'm not sure if I will wear it for anything else...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cousins Go Bowling Again

Cousins night was great. Went bowling with everybody. Bowled horribly of course. Then Tracy, Katie, Scott, and I all went to the Grove. It did not disappoint.

This was at the Grove. Lots of interesting people there.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Jacob Turns Two

He is my best little buddy!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lunch Called Us Out

I ended up having to work down at the convention center for a couple days and so I met up with Leslie for lunch. We went to a restaurant downtown called Dick's Last Resort, where they are rude to you on purpose. Thought it would be fun. Came out with lower self esteem. ;)


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Girls Night at Tina's

Girls' night at Tina's house almost always turns into a debacle. No exception this time either. I think I drank one of everything. We played apples to apples and then danced, and basically ran around like mad women all night. Ta da!

Oh yeah... Adam was there too for a while. It turned into a girls and boys party later on.

And I flirted with this guy via text. He sent me this picture. Later he turned out to be a douche. But, at least I got a photo out of it! LOLZ.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl 2013

All I remember from Super Bowl 2013 is that I met up with Leslie at Brother's on the NS. She had just come from book club and was already pretty tipsy. Every conversation we had with our waiter was awkward as hell. I gave him a peanut butter cookie. We cut out magazine pictures and glued them in my notebook.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Boys on Ice

Stacy got us tickets to see the Indy Ice in her work's sweet suite. We also got to go down into the bowels of the rink and watch Stacy drop the "celebratory puck". That was pretty hilarious. I also didn't realize that the boys of the ice were between the ages of 18 and 22. Felt pretty pervy really - they all looked about 12. It was fun times at the game, though I didn't watch but a few minutes of it. The mac and cheese was good. I will say that I'm never wearing this outfit again - I look a lot bigger than what I am. As I talk about the mac and cheese...


Friday, February 1, 2013

The First Friday I Don't Remember

Well... There are days like this. When you go to First Friday and you don't really remember it later. A combination of beer and skipping dinner will always land you in trouble and is sure to give you a headache in the morning. When this happens, remember, take three ibuprofen and a gallon of water before bed. Make sure to eat grease in the morning.

It was fun though - started out with a concert at the 317 Lounge. I have no idea who played but I remember thinking they were fun. And, hell, it was free. I like free. I am always down with free. Here's some pictures I don't really remember taking. I do remember some glow sticks in there somewhere.



After that we went to the Melody Inn to meet up with some other friends and see Larry's band play. I don't really know Larry, but I got to know him after I became his number one fan and cheering section that night. He's pretty nice. Larry's on drums! This is a copy of the text message I had with Stacy on our way over. I was with Leslie BTW.

Yep. And that was the First Friday I Don't Remember.