Sunday, August 7, 2011

Gavin Leaves Me a Message

So... Cammie and Roman and all the kids came down because Kim is in town and we were having a big friend and family cookout. The kids were doing a little rough housing and after I gave them several warnings I yelled at them pretty good. I mean, they all stopped and marched in a single file line right out the door outside. A little while later, I heard what they said when they went outside. Apparently, they told my Aunt Angie that "Aunt Jenny just yelled at us" and then they all went and got in their family car. When my mom went to get them and tell them to come back they said "Aunt Jenny said we gotta go home". Obviously, I didn't say that. But it was pretty funny that they thought I was mad at them, when I really just yelled at them for not listening and told them to go play outside. I honestly didn't know I had it in me to do so much disciplining. I guess everyone has their limits. Anyway, the next day after I had already been home, I found this in the front of my Jeep. I was laughing, considering it "Gavin's message to me" as in a declaration of war. It cracks me up!!!

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