Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dig In Indy 2011

Went to the festival and met up with Wendy and Shane for a while. Ended up working the booth a little bit and drinking a lot of wine of course. Afterwards, Melissa, Danny, Fred, Kristin, and I all went to McNivens. A lettuce fight ensued.







Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jimmy Buffet

Well.. I never thought I'd go to a Jimmy Buffet concert, but Cammie had an extra ticket and I figured, why not? It was definitely an experience. I don't remember even listening to the music really. Just a lot of people watching.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Creepiest Doll Ever

Must have photo shoot.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Windy Kayak

So, I went to Eagle Creek and borrowed Monty's kayak on the windiest day ever. I did about 10 minutes of actual kayaking and about 80 minutes of trying to fight the wind. I was very frustrated when I got back to shore to say the least.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Urban Challenge at the Fair, Mussels

Wendy and I volunteered to help at one of the stops on Monty's Urban Challenge race. We were at the fair and overseeing people carrying bales of hay back and forth. I rode an elephant.


After we volunteered, we went to the last stop on the race challenge, which was a brewery. I flirted with a guy who I thought was gay, but was actually straight and married. Good Lord help me. My gaydar needs a touchup. Had some good beer though and hung out with Greg and Audra for a while at the brewery.


After the brewery, Wendy and I decided to go to the Brugge for some more beer and mussels! We had a lot of fun with the mussels.

Then, after the Brugge we met Shane at the Friendly in Zionsville for gummi bear shots. We had some shots and then ended up going back to Shane's to swim in his pool. We were swimming during a really crazy storm of wind, lighting and thunder. This was the night the stage blew over at the State Fair. The weather was crazy. We were too drunk to care.