Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cowgirls and Vampires

Or cowgirl vampires...

I really don't even know what we were doing on this night. Probably a show at Fountain Square Brewery.... Hank had vampire teeth in his pocket for some weird reason. Now Leslie carries them in hers... My friends are strangely cool.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Leslie Gets Drunk at the Parade

I mean real drunk. It was hilarious. Here are some great quotes from the day:

"This isn't the diet coke you're looking for." ~ Leslie
"Chewy is my copilot." ~ Leslie
"This isn't gatorade..." ~ Leslie
"We just made a drinking game out of Leslie." ~ Stacy (I think)
"Heart hearted me so hard." ~ Leslie
"Huh, ha, I weeble-wobbled." ~ Leslie

 There are other pictures, but I'm pretty sure I'm never allowed to post them.. So I chose just one... ;)

Also, I saw these old men at the parade behind all of the bleachers. I thought they were awesome!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Leslie Made Me Throw My Headboard Away

Sad, sad moment. All my friends made fun of me for this headboard, but it's been with me a really long time!! So much space: drawers and cabinets! What? It was AWESOME. I don't care what they say. Unfortunately, it didn't fit in my new bedroom/house.... :(

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Creepy Mold Pile

WTF IS THIS?!?!?!?!

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Day the Helicopters Came

Thousands upon thousands.

Well, guess I know what I'll be doing every year around this time...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Closed on House

Closed on the house today. Here are the pictures that were in all of the listings. Pretty much everything is going to change - at least all of the paint colors - and especially the kitchen. Yay - I have my own home!

Front of Home
Dining Room

Living Room

Back of House


Bedroom leading to Back
Leslie helping me celebrate!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Bowling Trophy What!

Didn't expect this but it happened. I'm glad you can't see my average in this picture... and I'm not telling!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Cutting Emma's Hair

I couldn't afford to buy clippers, so I proceeded over several hours to cut Emma's hair with scissors. It took FOREVER! But, she looks so much better and smells better too!

Half Done

Monday, April 1, 2013

Dyngus Day at the Chatterbox


Historically a Polish-American tradition, Dyngus Day celebrates the end of the often restrictive observance of lent and the joy of Easter. Over the decades, Dyngus Day has become a wonderful holiday to celebrate Polish-American culture, heritage and traditions. 

(I had no idea what Dyngus Day was until I looked it up).

There are many stories that attempt to explain the origins of the day. Many Polish customs date back to pre-Christian practices of our Slavic ancestors. The custom of pouring water is an ancient spring rite of cleansing, purification, and fertility. The same is true of the complimentary practice of switching with pussy willow branches.  Since 966 A.D., Dyngus Day has been associated with the baptism of Prince Mieszko I. Tradition states that Prince Mieszko I along with his court were baptized on Easter Monday. Thus, Dyngus Day and its rites of sprinkling with water have become a folk celebration in thanksgiving for the fact that the first king of Poland was baptized into Christianity, bringing Catholicism to Poland. In more modern times, the tradition continued when farm boys in Poland wanted to attract notice from the girls of their choice. It was custom to throw water and hit the girls on their legs with twigs or pussywillows.  Cologne was used instead of water by the more gallant lads.  The ladies would reciprocate by throwing dishes & crockery and Tuesday was their day of revenge, imitating the same tactics.

Anyway... Dyngus Day at the Chatterbox is fun times with polka music, beer, and good friends. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stacy's Burfday and Maru Studios

Stacy's birthday - everyone volunteered to get on the Stacy train. We all met at Maru Studios on the east side for some private karaoke room awesomeness. It was pretty damn awesome. The acoustics were horribly, but it allowed for equally horrible singing - or should I say screeching. Two bottles of so-ju later and...


It was fun.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick's Weekend 2013

We had to catch the train to Chicago at 6am on Saturday morning. Man, that was early. But, we made it in time and rolled into the station like a group of rockstars. Took a little nap on the train and was ready to drink by 8:30am Chicago time.

Me and Leslie on the train:

Rolled up into Chicago around 10:30am. It was cold. Real cold. Ended up walking to our hotel because we were having a hard time finding a taxi. This is what I saw on the way:

Got to the hotel, but couldn't check in yet. So we took over the lobby bathroom for about an hour while we all got ready. Stacy was supposed to wear this but didn't because it was too cold. Bummer!

I wore this:

We walked down towards the parade, but decided we didn't really care and we would all rather have a beer and some lunch. Ended up at Miller's Pub? I believe. Sat there for quite a while. Had a great lunch of cornbeef and cabbage and a bunch of beer. Ended the first pub trip with shots.

We went back to the hotel to get checked in. On our way there we found this free soft drink truck and they let us take a whole bunch. So we had to get something to put in our newly acquired mixers. Went to CVS and got some vodka. Got back to the hotel and Stacy and Erin decided they needed a little nap. It was very hard for Leslie and I to be quite (we were tipsy). So, I did Leslie's hair. Then we went to the hotel bar for a shot.


We ended up at the Billy Goat Tavern. Stayed there a while. Sang a lot of songs really loudly. Met a man with no shoes. Leslie and I talked to the sidewalk sweeper. He was nice. Erin and I took a lot of photos.

I have no idea what the last bar we went to was called. Leslie and Erin met these boys outside and they ended up buying us drinks all night. I had a very long conversation with a homeless kid outside the bar. I took a lot of shots. I drank a lot of beer. There was karaoke in there somewhere. It was ugly. I don't know how we made it back to the hotel in one piece, but we did. Thank goodness.

I thought I woke up with a hangover, but I really woke up on Sunday morning with the worst flu of my life! Struggled through the day, but went to the Chicago Aquarium and lunch before heading on the train back home. It was rough. The train ride was spent in the sweats and chills and a 102 degree temperature. I hate the flu. St. Patrick's day was fun though. Can't wait to spend another weekend away with my girls!