Sunday, November 28, 2010

[enter name here]

everyone speaks of you.
as if you are a ghost.
as if you are a god.

but i know you just well enough.
enough to know you are tangible.
a cave bear, hiding in the shadows.
shying away from the forces of man.
from a life of uncertain crossroads.

you are no ghost, you are a hibernator.

one day you'll awaken
and claim your place among men,
but men will be no more.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Operation

A box of lies, or hopeful truths. Contrived harmony.
A mime's construction and interpretation of some future.
Leave me alone, a declaration prompts a crack in the frame.

A mime's box of lies, hopeful truths in harmony.
Inside a clear hovering future, a fine-spun marble.
The box closes in on emptiness, on the composition.
The marble cracks, pressured by its lost significance.
Leave me alone, a spoken plea, a gap in the box.
Purple and blue glass threads pull apart, decompose.
The synched musical ensemble goes silent, marble gone.
The fat lady sang off key.
Operation complete.